Sunday, March 1, 2015

Virtual Field Trips


                        The article titled “Yes, You Can Take a Field Trip to India!” shows how using technology, a classroom can now take field trips to places all around the world. The article talks about how one teacher uses blogs and pictures on a trip to India, to keep in touch with a third grade classroom while on the trip. The teacher also brought back souvenirs, answered classroom questions through email, and attempted to skype. The classroom is able to experience a virtual field trip by the information provided through the traveling teacher. After the trip, the teacher went to visit the classroom and discuss the field trip further in person. The article explained how through all the different activities, the students were able to experience a virtual field trip to India.
                        I feel that this is a great way for students to take “field trips” and to learn about the world in general. When I become an elementary school teacher I would love to do this with my own class. Children would find this very fun and exciting I am sure. I think it would be an added benefit if my students kept a journal along with reading the blogs. As an added bonus I think it would be good for my students to blog back and forth with the traveler in addition to emailing. Another idea I had was for students to make videos with questions and requests for the traveler. I think it is also a great way for my students to also learn more about the use of technology with education.
                        This is an example of ISTE standards for students number two. Standard number two is about communication and collaboration and requires students to “use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance”. The students clearly learn information across many countries in this example with the teacher in the story. Standard two also requires students to “develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures”, which is also shown in this article. The students learn about another culture by taking a virtual field trip by blogging with the traveling teacher.

Casolaro, Nancy. (2013). Yes, you can take a field trip to India!. Learning & Leading with Technology, 1(41), 30-32.

1 comment:

  1. I believe this is a great idea Diana. I would love to do this with my future students as well. It sounds interesting and fun. The majority of our students do not have the opportunity to travel and this is a great way for them to get expose to other countries and cities.
