Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Facebook for Research Projects!

            The article titled “What if Abraham Lincoln Had a Facebook Page?” discusses the use of Facebook as a learning device. The author describes how current ways of assigning students research projects and reports is very uninteresting to students. The idea of integrating Facebook as a supplement to a research project is then introduced as a means of digital storytelling. Some of the examples that were given was to make a page about Abraham Lincoln, and then another about the relationship between the United States, Cuba, and the Soviet Union during the cold war. The article explains how integrating this social tool can keep the interests of the students and be a powerful means of storytelling.
            As a future teacher I think that the idea of using Facebook as a means of digital storytelling will be very powerful in my classroom. I think that because my students will be very familiar with Facebook, it will be very exciting for them and something that they will feel comfortable doing. The fact that my students will be so experienced with this type of site also makes me wonder if they will become very creative and come up with their own ideas? I would personally like to use this idea if I did research projects with my students on different countries of the world. I think this will be a fun and unique way for students to come up with different ways to use Facebook and enjoy this type of project I plan to do.
            This article represents ISTE standards for student’s number one, which is creativity and innovation. The students are required to “develop innovative products and processes using technology”, which is done by the students creating a Facebook page on the internet.  Another standard that is met is number two, and this is on communication and collaboration. The standard states that “students use digital media to communicate”, which is met by the students using the Facebook page to tell a digital story. Standard number five is also met, and is about digital citizenship. This states that students “practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.” Since they are creating a page that will be on the internet for others to see, they have to practice being responsible with what they create.

Glover, Bryant. (2013). What if Abraham Lincoln had a facebook page?. Learning & Leading with Technology, 8(40), 38-39.


  1. Diana,
    I like the title "What if Abraham Lincoln Had A Facebook Page?", it makes me laugh. But to apply it to modern day I think it's a valid point!
    I agree with you in that media is a great tool to use in the classroom and out of the classroom. I think that it is more relatable to students and therefore builds a more comfortable relationship between student and teacher.
    My mother and I were just talking about how education is becoming less passive and more student focused. For so long its been teacher focused (at least from observation) and now, I think because technology has moved us forward and is shifting the focus, teachers must find tools that relate to students and make education exciting and accessible.
    I'm all for digital tools and media to reach students better.

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  3. Diana,
    The article sounds very interesting and did not think of using Facebook as a tool for my class. The projects seem very interesting for students, especially because Facebook is very popular today. As a future teacher I would give it a try and see the outcome and if it is positive then I would continue using this type of media.
