Monday, March 23, 2015

Meeting Diverse Student Needs

            In the video titled “UDL at a Glance”, it discusses how teachers all have diverse groups of students with different learning needs with Universal . It then goes on to explain how teachers can meet the needs of all of their students. The phrase “universal design for learning” is then explained and how it helps diverse learners. The video then gave three different steps for teachers on how to demonstrate universal design for learning in the classroom. Then in the article titled “Build an Assistive Technology Toolkit”, explains assistive technology in the classroom and how to get it started. There are different free assistive technology tools that are mentioned such as “Bookshare”. Some tips are then given on working with your IT department to get the assistive technology.
            I think that a universal design for learning is important for any classroom, and I plan to implement those tips into my own classroom. When I have my own classroom I will be facing the issue of having a variety of different student learning needs. I will implement the steps given by creating a variety of teaching models, giving my students opportunities to express themselves, and providing my students with different choices of learning activities in my classroom. I think that integrating assistive technology into the classroom is also very important and I can use it in my own classroom for my students with special needs and their varied learning styles. One example would be that if I had a student that had vision problems, I could use Google Books to find books for the visually impaired. I will work with my IT department by consulting with them and understanding IT terminology.
            In the “Build an Assistive Technology Toolkit” article, I did not find anything that met any of the ISTE standards for students. For the “UDL at a Glance” video, I also did not find any evidence of any of the ISTE standards for students being met.

Gravel, Jenna. David Rose (producer). (2011). UDL at a glance [internet]. Available from

Ahrens, Kelly. (2011). Build an assistive technology toolkit. Learning & Leading with Technology, 3(39), 22-24.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diana,
    I would definitely implement the steps that were given in this video. I enjoyed watching it because it provided man key styles that are useful for or classroom. Today, all school have a variety of cultures and all children learn at a different pace and they each have their own style of learning. This video is great!
