Monday, January 26, 2015

Videoconferencing for Students

            The article “Bring the World into Your Classroom”, demonstrates all of the benefits that video conferencing brings to the classroom. It tells how with the use of video conferencing students can do activities such as virtual museums, and interacting with other classrooms. There are two videoconference programs that are described in the article. One is called Read Around the Planet and the other one is called Megaconference Jr.. The Read Around the Planet program involves two classrooms in videoconference sharing different reading activities. Megaconference Jr. allows students to join in activities and present projects within a twelve hour time span video conference. The article then goes into discussion about how teachers can implement videoconference into their classrooms. The article is the finished by stating the skills that students will learn from videoconferencing, such as “being able to work collaboratively and present project information”.
            I think that video conferencing could bring many opportunities for my students to learn when I am an elementary school teacher. I would be interested in having my students experience the virtual museums as they correlate with material that we are covering. It would also be fun for the younger students if we did a craft that corresponded with the museum that we explore. I think it would be very fun for the students that I plan to teach to be able to participate in Read Around the Planet. I think elementary students that I teach would enjoy dressing up in costumes and performing plays for books that we read to other classrooms. For Megaconference Jr., my students could prepare projects for subjects we are covering in history and present them.
            This article definitely represents ISTE standard number two. Standard number two is titled Communication and Collaboration and requires students to “use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively”. The article tells how students can use videoconferencing as a means of “being able to work collaboratively and present project information”. In video conferencing students are able to work with classrooms of other cultures using various forms of digital media such as “email, websites, and wikis”. Students are able to work on team projects or plays in the classroom that they can share with large audiences on videoconference.

McDermon, L. (2010. September/October). Bring the World into Your Classroom.   
         Learning & Leading with Technology, 34-35.                 

1 comment:

  1. This videoconferencing idea is becoming a huge resource tool in education! They are actually beginning to experiment with "flipped classroom", which means teachers are videotaping themselves presenting lectures and students watch at home and then the next day the students come to school and go over classwork/ homework. I think this would be super time efficient and more beneficial to students' learning (provided the student actually watches the clips, of course). It will be interesting to see how "flipped classroom" plays out...
    But back to the topic of video CONFERENCING. The only problem is technology can have communication difficulties (dropped service, glitches, etc.) and it takes away from a personal relationship.
    Nonetheless, this is the way things are headed but we have maintained relationships despite the screen in front of us. And technology has been beneficial in that- if two+ people are all far away, then they can videoconference.
    There are pros and cons.
